Aurelion Sol: A Crash Course
About This Guide
Hi there! Welcome to my Asol guide.
I've only been playing League for about a year (started on March 2023) and I'm a low elo scrub (currently hovering somewhere around Silver-Gold), but I have tons of experience on Asol (+600k Mastery points) and a decentish winrate (around 60%, both on norms and ranked), so I should at least be able to cover the basics. This guide covers Aurelion Sol's abilities, runes, builds and Asol's overall game plan.
Asol's Abilities
Passive - Cosmic Creator: Aurelion Sol's damaging Abilities break down enemies into stacks of Stardust, which permanently improves each of his abilities.
Asol's entire deal is gathering as much Stardust as possible. Your number of stacks influences your Q's bonus HP% damage, your W's range, your E's radius and execution threshold, and your R's radius.
Q- Breath of Light: Aurelion Sol channels his dragon breath for a few seconds, damaging the first enemy hit and splashing reduced damage onto nearby enemies. Each second the breath is channeled directly at an enemy will deal bonus damage, which is improved by the amount of Stardust that's been collected. This ability collects Stardust if the target is a champion.
Your main damage ability. Asol's Q can be steered with your mouse. For each full second that it damages the same enemy, this ability deals a burst of magic damage. This burst of damage scales with both your AP and with your stacks. Your bonus stack damage is equivalent to (3.1% stardust)% of the target's maximum health. Each burst which is channeled against an enemy champion immediatly grants 2 stacks.
This ability's range also scales with your level, starting at 750 at level 1 and going all the way to 920 at level 18 (+10 range per level).
W- Astral Flight: Aurelion Sol flies over terrain in a targeted direction. While in this state, he can cast other abilities. Breath of Light no longer has a cooldown or maximum channel duration and deals increased damage while flying. Astral Flight's remaining cooldown is reduced whenever an enemy champion dies after being recently damaged by Aurelion Sol. Stardust increases Astral Flight's maximum range.
This is your only mobility ability. During your W, you're granted unobstructed vision of the surrounding terrain, your Q loses its cooldown and its maximum cast duration, and deals 8-12% bonus damage based on your W's level. The cost of using Q during your flight is a reduction of your dash speed. Additionally, if you score a takedown within 3 seconds of damaging an enemy, your W's cooldown is reduced to 10% of its total cooldown.
If you get CC'd during the cast time or duration of your W, you will stop dashing. Your Q's channel will be interrupted once your W ends or if you cast your E while dashing.
E- Singularity: Aurelion Sol summons a black hole, damaging enemies and slowly pulling them toward its center. This ability grants Stardust each time an enemy dies within the black hole and for each second an enemy champion is caught inside it. The center of the black hole executes enemies who are below a certain percentage of their maximum health. Stardust increases Singularity's area as well as the execution threshold.
This is your main utility ability. It grants sight of the area it was casted at, drags enemies to its center, and is overall very annoying for the enemies.
Minions trapped in your E get their movement speed reduced to 0, making it a good tool to manipulate waves if that's your thing.
Any enemies within your E's center whose health reaches below 5%(+2.6% of your stardust stacks) of their maximum health get executed.
After your E ends, you're granted an extra stack per second a champion spent inside of it, plus an extra stack for each enemy killed inside of it during its duration.
R- Falling Star / The Skies Descend: Falling Star: Aurelion Sol crashes a star into the earth. This impact deals magic damage and stuns enemies while also granting Stardust for each enemy champion it hits. Gathering enough Stardust transforms Aurelion Sol's next Falling Star into The Skies Descend.
The Skies Descend: Aurelion Sol drags a giant star down from the heavens with an increased impact zone and increased damage, knocking up enemies rather than stunning them. A shockwave then spreads from the edge of the impact zone, which damages and slows the enemies it hits. Stardust increases the impact area of both Falling Star and The Skies Descend.
This ability can be a bit tricky to comprehend at first, so I'm breaking it down on a bullet list:
- Your ult's "default" state is called Falling Star. Falling Star deals damage and stuns all enemies hit, and generates 5 stack per enemy champion hit.
- Once your ult has been learned, the game keeps track of how many stacks you've gained. You can keep track of this by either looking at your HUD or pinging your ability. If you earn 75 stacks, your next ult will be cast as The Skies Descend.
- The Skies Descend deals 25% extra damage, knocks up instead of stunning, and sends a shockwave across the map. Enemies hit by this shockwave get revealed and slowed.
- Once you use The Skies Descend, your ult will turn back into Falling Star, and you must repeat the process of gathering 75 stacks to turn it back into The Skies Descend.
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Summoner Spells & Ability Order
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General Tips
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